Little Magic Box Case Studies
Case Study 1
Our first case study shows the impact of a Little Magic Box on a 2 bedroom bungalow with a single panel install. The property reported a 71% reduction in fuel usage as a result of installing the Magic Box when comparing a 6 month period prior to install and a 6 month period post install
Case Study 2
Our second case study shows the impact of a Little Magic Box on a 4 bedroom semi-detached house with a single panel install. The property reported a 71% reduction in fuel usage as a result of installing the Magic Box when comparing a 6 month period prior to install and a 6 month period post install
Case Study 3
Our second case study shows the impact of a Little Magic Box on a 4 bedroom detached bungalow with a single panel install. The property reported a 66% reduction in fuel usage as a result of installing the Magic Box when comparing a 6 month period prior to install and a 6 month period post install
Big Magic Box Case Studies
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